Preservation is traditionally associated with packing of equipment for future use, a procedure commonly known as mothballing. In OneSource we have taken this process to the next level.
We still offer preservation as a cost-saving method during lay-ups, ensuring continuation of SPS class, COC certificates and reduced insurance premium during the lay-up period, and we can still pack equipment for shipment to all corners and climates of the world.
But used properly, preservation can also be used for extending the lifetime of industrial equipment while still in operation. In OneSource we have perfected these processes and offer preservation as an integral part of our maintenance services.
Preservation Services

Laying up an asset while maintaining accommodation and catering services, to facilitate specific equipment operational testing by a quorum of the operations team. In addition, coordination with the regulatory authority to credit the on-going Smart Stacking works against Special Puprose Survey timeline.
OneSource AS have experienced personnel that are able to develop a Smart Stacking program for your asset. OneSource AS will mobilize a team to survey your asset, to tailor a Smart Stacking program:
Initial Asset Survey:
-Inspection of equipment
-Documentation of condition
-Define Scope of Work
-Develop a list of preservation materials
Preservation Procedure:
-Assessment of equipment condition
-Duration of layup (preservation period)
-Environmental impact assessment
-Coordination with Regulatory Authority regarding upcoming survey requirements.
Execution Plan:
-Breakdown of equipment system
-Tracking Schedule
Weekly Project Report:
-Summary of work completed
-Survey of in place preservation
-Environmental data recording
Laying up an asset while maintaining accommodation and catering services, to facilitate equipment remaining in operation by a quorum of the Operations team.
OneSource AS have experienced personnel that are able to develop a Warm Stacking program for your asset. OneSource AS will mobilize a team to survey your asset, to tailor a Warm Stacking program:
Initial Asset Survey:
-Inspection of equipment
-Documentation of condition
-Define Scope of Work
-Develop a list of preservation materials
Preservation Procedure:
-Assessment of equipment condition
-Duration of layup (preservation period)
-Environmental impact assessment
-Coordination with Regulatory Authority regarding upcoming survey requirements.
Execution Plan:
-Breakdown of equipment system
-Tracking Schedule
Weekly Project Report:
-Summary of work completed
-Survey of in place preservation
-Environmental data recording
Laying up an asset with base minimum crew, powered by Emergency Generators and/or temporary deck generators (very limited services).
OneSource AS have experienced personnel that are able to develop a Cold Stacking program for your asset. OneSource AS will mobilize a team to survey your asset, to tailor a Cold Stacking program:
Initial Asset Survey:
-Inspection of equipment
-Documentation of condition
-Define Scope of Work
-Develop a list of preservation materials
Preservation Procedure:
-Assessment of equipment condition
-Duration of layup (preservation period)
-Environmental impact assessment
-Coordination with Regulatory Authority regarding upcoming survey requirements.
Execution Plan:
-Breakdown of equipment system
-Tracking Schedule
Weekly Project Report:
-Summary of work completed
-Survey of in place preservation
-Environmental data recording
OneSource AS have experienced personnel for surveying, assessing, scheduling, coordinating, and managing preservation works/projects. We use PIMs database system for our projects to ensure high standards of traceability.
OneSource AS have experienced personnel for developing preservation procedures, breaking down P&IDs, Isometrics, and IOMs into Preservation Work Packages, compiling preservation database, and developing preservation work execution schedule. We use PIMs database system for our projects to ensure high standards of traceability.
OneSource AS have experienced personnel for establishing the initial preservation and developing & monitoring a preservation maintenance database where we use PIMS to ensure high standards of traceability.
We are proud to be partnered with Omega 365 for our database software requirements.
OneSource AS have experienced logistics personnel for assessing, designing/configuring, installing, and supervising logistics preservation.
For logistics preservation these products are typically used.
OneSource AS have experienced personnel for assessing, designing/configuring, installing, and supervising shock and impact preservation.
OneSource together with our partner SolutionPlus provide Odor/Mold Preservation for our clients.
We do this using RGF Air Purification products which bring “mother nature’s disinfection” indoors by generating and filling spaces with ionized Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) molecules. H2O2 is proven to safely neutralize Microbes (Virus/Bacteria), Mold, and Volatile Organic Compounds while maintaining H2O2 at the safe level (< 0.02 ppm), similar to the levels found naturally outdoors.
The purification system can be offered as a portable unit or installed as a in-duct system depending on requirements.
OneSource AS have experienced personnel for assessing, designing/configuring, installing, and supervising UV preservation.
VCI Shrink Film or VCI Film is used for UV Preservation and can be customised in size and with/without VCI
OneSource AS have experienced personnel for assessing, designing/configuring, installing, and supervising temperature and humidity preservation.
OneSource AS have experienced personnel for assessing, designing/configuring, installing, and supervising construction protection and preservation.
OneSource AS have experienced personnel for assessing, designing/configuring, installing, and supervising preservation monitoring equipment.
OneSource AS has experienced personnel to advise you in any preservation rental equipment requirements.
OneSource AS holds distribution rights for a large variety of products and provide a preservation solution for all activities and equipment needs in all project stages.
OneSource AS holds a worldwide distribution agreement with Daubert Cromwell for their preservation materials.
OneSource AS employs an experienced and well-trained team of personnel, who are fully capable of carrying out a full scope of preservation services.